Tag Archives: #oneword

Igniting Possibilities: My #oneword2024 – Spark

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In a world filled with complexities and uncertainties, setting a clear intention for the year ahead can serve as a guiding light for both personal and professional growth. For me, 2024 is all about one word: “Spark.” This word encapsulates the energy, inspiration, and creativity I intend to bring into various aspects of my life, including my career in education, leadership, resource development, edtech, travel, health, and fitness.

Contextualizing “Spark” in Education and Leadership

As an educator and leader, “Spark” takes on a unique significance. It’s about kindling the flames of curiosity and enthusiasm in my students, sparking their love for learning. I plan to infuse my lessons with innovative teaching methods and dynamic leadership approaches that ignite the spark of potential in both my students and colleagues.

  • Daily: Start each day with a “spark” mantra to remind myself of the impact I can make in the lives of others.
  • Monthly: Host leadership workshops focused on igniting creativity and passion with colleagues.

Sparking Innovation in Resource Development and EdTech

Resource development and educational technology are areas ripe for innovation. “Spark” will be my driving force in identifying and creating valuable resources that can transform learning experiences. Embracing cutting-edge edtech tools and strategies, I aim to spark a revolution in the way education is delivered.

  • Daily: Explore emerging edtech solutions and brainstorm ways to implement them in my teaching and resource development projects.
  • Monthly: Collaborate with colleagues to develop a new resource or tool that can enhance learning outcomes.

Sparking Adventure in Travel

Travel is not just about visiting new places; it’s about sparking a sense of adventure and exploration. My #OneWord2024, “Spark🎆,” will encourage me to seek out unique destinations and experiences, to step out of my comfort zone, and to ignite a passion for cultural immersion.

  • Daily: Research potential travel destinations and plan short weekend getaways.
  • Monthly: Commit to exploring a new international destination at least once a year. (Looking forward to France 🇫🇷 and Italy 🇮🇹 in the Spring!)

Nurturing Health and Fitness with a Spark

Health and fitness require dedication and motivation, which “Spark” can provide. It’s about igniting the desire to stay active and make healthier choices, leading to a more fulfilling life.

  • Daily: Set aside time for a morning workout or meditation to energize the day. (I’m already committed to 6xweek workouts and a daily gratitude mantra.)
  • Monthly: Experiment with new fitness routines or activities to keep the spark alive.

The Spark of Giving Back

Lastly, “Spark” also extends to giving back to the community and making a positive impact on the world. I aim to channel my energy and resources into philanthropic endeavors, igniting hope and change where it’s needed most.

  • Daily: Practice acts of kindness and generosity towards others. (I enjoy being a RAKtivist!)
  • Monthly: Volunteer for a local charity or contribute to a meaningful cause.

In conclusion, my #OneWord2024, “Spark,” serves as the catalyst for transformation in my personal and professional life. By infusing my daily routines and monthly goals with the spirit of spark, I hope to not only achieve my ambitions but also inspire and uplift those around me. As I embark on this year-long journey, I am excited to see the myriad of possibilities that will unfold, all fueled by the power of a single word – “Spark.”

I have written about many #oneword’s over the years on this blog. Feel free to sift through them with the tag #oneword in the sidebar! And if you have created or shared your #oneword2024, I would enjoy reading about it. Feel free to comment below or share in person.



#oneword2023 – NURTURE

Photo by Elliot Connor on

It’s great to have a word in mind to focus on for the new year! At the beginning of the calendar year, I like to find a new WORD that will inspire me for the rest of the year and connect to my current teacher growth plan. It can also influence or be influenced by my personal life.

Past onewords for me have been:

Over the past few days I have had two words bounding about in my thoughts – nourish and nurture. Could it be all the interesting winter foods that I have been surrounded with that have influenced my thinking? Unsure but I did talk it out a lot before deciding which one of these words I’d hang on the 2023 year.


Nurture means to care for and support the development of someone or something. As mentioned above, a #oneword can be applied to many different areas of life, such as personal relationships, career goals, and personal growth. I’m looking to nurture something (or anything??) in the new year (I know this is sooooo broad but that’s where my thoughts are at the moment). I do need to remember that progress often happens gradually, so I’ll need to be patient (sometimes hard for me to do) and keep working towards my goals. 

Here are a few tips for nurturing goals:

  1. Make a plan: Break your goals down into smaller, more achievable steps. Having a clear plan can help you stay focused and motivated.
    • For work, I have several projects on the go and I try to timeline these out so that I have a plan to work with. Plus, weekly check-ins with my Director keep me focused.
    • For my health, I have 10 week phases of weight training and 2 week photo check-ups set up. This allows me to adjust in bi-monthly increments. I also like to meal plan one week at a time (makes it easier to grocery shop and keep track of macros).
  2. Set deadlines: Having a timeline can help you stay on track and ensure that you make progress towards your goals.
  3. Seek support: Surround yourself with people who will support and encourage you. This can include friends, family, or a mentor.
    • This is important. You can be your own cheerleader but having both in-person and online family and friends allow you to “check in” and be inspired too! 
  4. Stay motivated: It’s normal for motivation to ebb and flow, but it’s important to keep pushing forward. Try to stay positive and focus on the progress you’re making, no matter how small.
    • Sometimes I need more meditation time or a motivational Spotify playlist, just depends on my mood. I also take time daily in the afternoon to add a photo and a few things I am grateful for in my Gratitude Journal app.
  5. Stay flexible: It’s okay if things don’t go exactly as planned. Be open to making adjustments and trying new approaches if necessary.
    • I am lucky to work in such a collaborative work environment that when I share my projects, they become better through discussions.
  6. Celebrate your successes: Don’t forget to celebrate your accomplishments along the way. This can help keep you motivated and give you a sense of accomplishment.
    • Mini-celebrations are key – an extra moment outside in fresh air, a great cup of tea, a text to family members, new workout gear….whatever it is, let the celebration make you smile both inside and outside!

Share your #oneword2023!



#oneword2022 REIMAGINE

Every year at the beginning of January, I take time to reflect on my professional life. In education, teachers create a growth plan in September and revisit it throughout the year. Six year ago, my Twitter PLN also introduced me to the #oneword concept and I really liked the idea of rechecking my focus with one single word.

As 2022 commences and the world is still in chaos due to the pandemic, I find that it took me longer to decide on this specific word. I looked at other colleagues and Twitter pals #oneword2022, I reviewed some of the books and ideas that had been percolating during the first half of this school year and I came up with REIMAGINE. As a prefix, re-, as displayed in the dictionary can mean once more, afresh, anew. I look at the ongoing educational work to structure the learning environment for student success, the ever challenging professional development and collective efforts to continue effective learning as my way into REIMAGINING a better way to teach, to lead, to learn while being smart about our supports, and our health and growth.

With this REIMAGINING comes some questions of what is the research saying? what ways can I get into the classroom to support teachers? (while my own government is not supporting the educational cause).



#oneword2021 – RECONNECT

I needed to find a word that not only encapsulated the unique year of 2020 yet has its groundings in starting off a new calendar year with one of optimism, engagement and steadfastness.

So, RECONNECT it is.


verb – connect back together.

re-establish a bond of communication or emotion.

Photo by Min An on

Whether it is for me to check in more often with my educational colleagues or take time to enjoy little family moments without distractions, I am convinced that I can work on reconnection little by little. This reminds me of James Clear’s fantastic Atomic Habits book (a great read if you haven’t yet).

“Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become. No single instance will transform your beliefs, but as the votes build up, so does the evidence of your new identity.”

I will post this word in various areas to give me the boost and reminder that I need to breathe and make a tiny step towards a reconnection – be it via relationships new and old, family connections and work ethos.

What word will you choose to start off your 2021? Unsure where to start? Check out my past one word experiences that have pivoted my very essence to new and exciting adventures.

Wishing you all a great start wherever you may be in your journey.

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Posted by on January 8, 2021 in Communicates to Inspire





2020 – Balance

This reminds me of Wayne Dyer’s quote regarding this topic. “Getting in balance is not so much about adopting new strategies to change your behaviors, as it is about realigning yourself in all of your thoughts so as to create a balance between what you desire and how you conduct your life on a daily basis.” I have heard it before and I believe I will add one more book to my list of books to read for 2020, that of Wayne’s Being in Balance. For those interested, some other books that I will read are Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg, Choose Yourself by James Altucher, Give and Take by Adam Grant.

With such a political whirlwind regarding education in Alberta, I certainly will need to take many breaths, lean on family and friends as I work through my professional duties to continue to make this career a rewarding one.

I wish everyone a great start to 2020.

This has not been the first time that I have ventured to the #oneword arena. A quick scan shows a few blog post regarding these different years while others was just a quick visual on Social Media.

2019 – make

2018 – yet

2017 – spark

2016 – creative



#oneword2019 – MAKE

Ahh, a new year has now started and I am releasing my #oneword2019. This is something that I have enjoyed choosing and thinking about over the past few years.

After eight years, I changed office spaces and in my new office (image below), I had the words MAKE IT HAPPEN put up. (Our wonderful and creative Admin Assistant in Learning Services made the letters for me.) They sit above my standing desk (you can see the “happen” sneaking in at the top of the panoramic photo. These words remind me of the supports, services and the learning that I provide and experience in order to move our important educational work forward of Student Success and Wellness (PSD70 2018-19 Ed Plan).

So, whatever I will do over the next many months, I want to remember that I can MAKE it happen, MAKE it real, and MAKE it matter.

This #oneword activity for the New Year is not just for adults! Check out the One Word Google Slides activity that @meredithakers created that I am sharing with teachers.

Go to the ONE WORD Collaborative Slides Activity link to get started with your students! You can even print the slides in color and post them in your classroom or hallway, what about in a staffroom if staff want to share their one word? Lots of possibilities.

See my:






My #oneword for 2017



Empower your 2016 with One Word

creativePhoto Credit: artoyzflickr via Compfight cc

As of four days ago, my twitter stream has been flooded with teachers and students expressing their #oneword for 2016. I do remember tweeting my one word for 2015 but when I looked back at my blog, I see that it had been five years ago when I shared my #oneword (called Ultimate Word) and that is sad.

As I am multilingual, I wanted to pay homage to my two other languages – French and German for this post. So my #oneword will be joined with #unmot #einWort. My hope is that both French and German teachers and students will share their thoughts and actions regarding their word for 2016 too!

If you are not sure about this #oneword movement, Michele Price does a fantastic job describing it at

My 2016 word is
creative             créatif               kreativ

It is an extension of my professional growth plan that I write up every school year (see Go Ahead, Be Creative! from Sept. 2015).

  • I want to be CREATIVE with my learning – try new things, learn in new ways.
  • I try to be CREATIVE already in my cooking and my family sometimes likes it, maybe I will ask them to be creative with me and more of my efforts will be rewarded.
  • I would like to be CREATIVE in how I think about an issue or a problem that requires solving. Yes, logistics and emotions are there but what if I thought more creatively about it, could I come up with a solution(s) that maybe would have never been thought of? Hmmm.
  • I want to be CREATIVE in how I work out. Since I have a SmartTV, I should check out more YouTube videos that may garner some interesting healthy moves.

So now that you’ve had a moment to read my #oneword #unmot #einWort, what will yours be? and why?

