Tag Archives: Alberta Education

Technology in Education Videos





I just received the latest Tech News newsletter from Alberta Education. There are always great tidbits, resources, and the latest tech news found in this newsletter. Feel free to subscribe yourself at The following videos were showcased in this latest newsletter and they are not to be missed!

Since May 2010, I have had the opportunity during various conferences, workshops and meetings to view each of the videos below. First off, they are quite polished and one is able to hear the thoughts from students, teachers, parents and research gurus. Secondly, they are short enough to share with a group of teachers who are looking to further engage their students.

21st Century Learning: Technology in Education Videos

Alberta Education has produced a series of videos to illustrate 21st Century learning in Alberta. The five videos show how Alberta schools are currently using a variety of technologies for teaching and learning.  They include:



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