PD Comments

The following represents some of the comments shared by participants in my various professional development sessions that I have hosted.

I am grateful to have the opportunity to share some resources, offer different activities to teachers, support staff, students and administrators.

Integration of technology with critical thinking:

“I love how you are always forcing me to think hard, Nicole!”
Diane, Curriculum Facilitator


Webinar session
“Thank you so much Nicole for all your hard work and sharing of knowledge – you are amazing !!! The hand outs are great !!”
Sheila Suteau, PSD


EA PD – various sessions
“I will be able to work with the students who use smartboard activities.  Able to find different activities.”
“I will be able to have some idea about what is going on when a smartboard is used in class”

“Nicole is very informative, patient and knowledgeable”

“Learned more things on the computer and feel more comfortable to try it out.”

“Well presented – fun to get an opportunity to learn more resources and to play around on the sites.”


F2F PD Sessions
“Very satisfied, effective, useful = “new sites available to share with other colleagues and to use with students”
“Very practical ideas to get the nonreader – reading!”

“I now have a repertoire of interesting ways to spark readers reading”
“I can use the tech sites to further my teaching. Kids are always more interested if they can do something on the computer.”

Participants including PSD teachers, administrators and other school personnel from various school divisions in the province


“The collaboration opportunity has helped to shape new ideas to infuse of technology at my school
“It revisits the premise on which we integrated technology. It provides input into the documents that will govern our use of technology in the classroom”
“Discussing visions and possibilities for the future of our division is inspiring”
“Always learning and implementing”
“Heard some things that other schools are doing and am looking into.”
“I obtained plenty of new ideas about how to use technology in my classrom from my book study group members”
“provides support, ideas and motivation in a pedagogically sound forum”
“I always walk away with a new idea to try; there is incredible wisdom in the room (and excitement)”
“It is helping m grow my ideas and gives me collaboration time with my peers”

“Love the support of Nicole at school sites!!”

“Opportunities to process-plan-prioritize. Thanks Nicole!”

“Loved the video, very inspiring.  Really like d the clips of our staff using blogs.”


SLItech Visioning

” I enjoyed the way the process to lead us through the discussion was designed”

PSD Parent

“Liked having new people ‘around the table’ to talk with (especially the students and parents) for a different perspective”

“High point was the full participation, very well presented and time for group discussion”

PSD staff

“ A high point for me was talking about technology in the future and seeing how we could make it so students could learn better”

PSD student,  Alana O.


2 responses to “PD Comments

  1. Wendy Atkinson

    February 14, 2012 at 8:57 pm

    I enjoyed your presentation icame, isaw, ilearned, at the north central teachers’ convention. Can you please send me the google doc with all the apps that you presented? Thank you.


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