Tag Archives: ChromeApp

5×5 Learning: Presentations that really Move!

This is Day 5 of 5 on the theme of using and learning about specific Chrome Apps in 5 minutes or less.

MoveNote for Google Drive makes it easy when it comes to adding visuals and providing video. Combine these two and you can quickly create a video. I really like that it saves to your Google Drive. From there I upload my MoveNote videos to my desktop and then to YouTube. In advanced settings I only keep the “allow embedding” checked off as there no need, I think, for tracking, comment, etc. Once the video is published I can quickly embed it into my blog (which is what I have done for each of this week’s 5×5 blog posts.)

MoveNote allows:

  • students to create a presentation and if they have difficulty giving this presentation in front of the class, they can show their MoveNote presentation instead.
  • teachers to create quick videos speaking about various topics, ideas, discussion questions, etc.
  • students can practice their language skills by listening to their teacher’s pronunciation
  • math explanations
See one high school’s uses of MoveNote in Flipping the Classroom.
Some teachers of various grades share their uses in Creating Digital Learning Content.
Other teachers are using it to provide a more inclusive environment for students who require visual instruction, need to review information several times, need social stories, and personal stories.

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5×5 Learning: Present Your Artistic Side

Canva intro

This is day 4 of 5 looking at some Chrome Apps. Today we’ll venture into a visual world. Canva Chrome App has it all from

  • templates for Social Media, documents, blogging, ebooks, flyers, presentations, events, headers, etc. (Filtered by category HERE.)
  • design tutorials

Just looking at it’s features will get your creative juices flowing!

Canva_design essentials

Students could even create some visually appealing designs and use them in other formats like Powerpoint, GSlides, HaikuDeck, MoveNote for GDrive.


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5×5 Learning: Get Your Tweets in Line

Day 3 of 5 finds us looking at Twitter and specifically a Twitter aggregator. Tweetdeck is a Chrome App that allows users to create columns for specific hashtagged/keyworded information.

See how you can use Tweetdeck:


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5X5 Learning: Newsela to Perk Your Reading


This is day two of five to learn a new Chrome App (or remind yourself of its existence).

Reading, it’s inevitable that we read about something whether we are at school, at work, in the community or traveling. Supporting students who present with many different reading levels in a classroom no matter what subject area can pose a challenge. However, the Chrome App, Newsela, found in the Chrome Web Store allows students to all read the same article yet at their reading level.

I like the ability to choose a grade level and then look for articles OR you can choose a topic area and go from there.


Teachers can register for free and use/share articles or have students register via a code that is generated by the teacher setting up a class. On the side of each article you will see a different Lexile reading level (if you use another reading level, check out AZ Correlation Chart).


Watch the video to learn about Newsela:


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5X5 Learning: Research with Instagrok


INSTAGROK is the first of the five favorite chrome apps that I will be sharing with you this week. If you do not yet subscribe to my blog so that you will receive the other four days of learning this week.

5×5 Learning is 5 days of 5 minutes of learning something new.

Take any subject area or content/topic and insert it into the search bar within Instagrok. You will then see an interactive mindmap that you can personalize through your addition or deletion of items you find.

Instagrok_ANimal Farm

Watch the video below to find out how to use Instagrok:

Have fun with Instagrok. I know your students will!


NOTE: Sometimes people ask me how I get the visuals and videos to input into a blog post. For this particular week, I used the Snipping Tool for my images and Screencastify for the video which saved to GDrive and I downloaded it and uploaded to YouTube which allowed me to embed it in this post.



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