Tag Archives: phobia

Teaching and Learning with Technophobia

For those of you who know me, I am passionate about technology. If learning can be more engaging, inventive, creative and guide problem solving in new ways that I have never even thought of, why should I not introduce it to my students, staff, administrators and PLN?

Yet using technology in front of a group of administrators, or teachers or even a class of students is not always a turn-key process. There are those educators that truly say, “I have taught this way for many years and it is working very well, so why should I change?” These are people who require more ‘elbow’ time to get  a handle on the technology that now surrounds them 24/7. Then, today, I came across a great blog by Janet where she spoke about her phobia regarding technology. It is certainly a blog that I will share with a few technophobes that I know – maybe understanding that they are not alone will assist them in gaining a bit more courage or thought to persevering through it all. As well, Janet shares her song with an amazing YouTube video created by Alex Francisco:

So, to all those technophobes out there, here is some advice:

1)      Ask!!! Don’t spend too much time on something only to frustrate yourself.

2)      Students are your BEST resource. They live in this digital-age world comfortably and know a few tips and tricks, plus they feel great when the help out.

3)      Clarity. Assignments or activities using technology must be precise and clear.

4)      Join an online PLN. Whether it is in Twitter or an RSS aggregator of Blogs. It is important that you hear from other professionals going through similar experiences. Ask a tech savvy person to get you going on ONE of these formats.

5)      Failure is an opportunity to learn. It is OK when technology does not work or that students require more supervision/guidance. This is an important life skill we all need to work on to grow in our own digital way.

Take time to watch Edutopia’s video Technophobia: A Classroom Veteran Warms to Digital Tools.

Are the other ways you assist alleged technophobes in your school? Are you a recovering technophobe with a story to share? Comments are always welcome.

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