Tag Archives: passion

Intentional Leader: Contagious Passion

Monthly Theme: Passion

Week: 4

My professional passion is tied to a core belief that ALL students have an opportunity to learn, to be engaged and to be challenged in the learning environment. I belong to many active educational listservs, read various blogs, follow Twitter feeds and chats, create and host workshops, provide professional learning opportunities for individual, small group and large groups of teachers and administrators and I network with various organizations and institutions. My email inbox, my twitter streams (#edchat, #edtech, #atchat to name a few) are resources that are continually challenging me. My actions and tasks change daily, yet my message needs to be clear with the people I work with – I attempt to help teachers, students and parents obtain the most effective learning environment, best tasks and relevant tools. There are a lot of discussions, some trial and error, some research, and finally, some successes!


My dream is to have accessible, achievable and attainable learning for ALL (staff, students, etc.) Although we live in a digitized environment, not all materials are accessible for students. For example, there is a grade 9 student with low vision who uses a Mac in his French Immersion studies. Do you know that even today, this boy cannot access a digital publisher’s copy of a course book that is used (in print) in class? So, for me, it’s really talking with teachers and finding out the student(s) in the class that would do well with access to technology for reading, writing, recording…(a S.E.T.T. framework discussion ensues which allows me to further target the resource(s)/tool(s)) Sometimes it’s forging ahead and making new connections with Alberta Education, or publishers or app developers to ask if they could locate a resource. Sometimes it’s using older technology (CDrom, mp3 player) personalized to the learner so they can participate in class with their peers.

Milepost accessibiloity

In March, two colleagues and I will be presenting at a CASS/Alberta Education Learning Symposium in mid March regarding Accessibility: Milepost – where are we at now? See our presentation HERE with the participants input as well. Some interesting insights!


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Intentional Leader: Stoking the Flame of Your Passion

Monthly Theme: Passion

Week: 3


Staying true to your passion is satisfying, yet temptations such as new techniques, tasks, and tools make it quite challenging to stay true to course. Keeping my vision alive, revisiting my professional focus and sharing ideas with colleagues and family members allow me to stay on the proper path.

As I was reflecting on how I immerse myself in studying, reading and interviewing others about my passion, I came across M. Scott Peck’s book “The Road Less Travelled” which peaked my interest. I will need to check it out from the local library via print or ebook. Its description captivated my interest as Dr. Peck guides readers through process of change toward a higher level of self-understanding. This sounds like a great summer reading project where there are less multiple distractions, warmer air (I can sit outside and read) and time to reflect.

The second stoking of the flame came from a now-viral video that a Principal sent me which got me instantly thinking about how this young kid could get me (and even students) revved up. Watch it and think, how does this get you or your students “pepped” up? What activities consistently refresh and recharge you?


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Posted by on January 25, 2013 in Uncategorized


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Intentional Leader: The Danger of Passion Separated from Principle

Monthly Theme: Passion

Week 2

“Passionate leaders attract and inspire followers through a blend of energy, confidence and charisma”,(Intentional Leader, p.73), however if no main ethical principle is part of this passion, then this can be a dangerous influence. As one can see by the short video clip of Lance Armstrong admitting using banned substances during his professional cycling career, Lance sought personal gain above his teammates and the cycling world.

But in my same thought process, I also think of another professional athlete who sought to use his Passion without compromise and for the greater good. That athlete is Rick Hansen, who over 25 years ago, started his Man in Motion tour to create more accessible and inclusive communities for people with a spinal cord injury, and support the search for a cure.

For Rick, another person came into his life, Stan Strong, who was a linchpin to encourage Rick to make a difference. See how Rick explains Stan’s passion below.


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Posted by on January 18, 2013 in Uncategorized


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Intentional Leader: Uncovering the Power of Passion

Monthly Theme: Passion

Week: 1

Without PASSION, I find no motivation, no focus and no will to challenge myself in the work that I do. Passion drives me to strive for excellence, ask others for it and listen with intention. This month’s Intentional Leader focus is on Passion which propels us to take on challenges and pursue dreams. We need to ask ourselves what fulfills our work? When has our passion dimmed? What people/activities stroke our passion?

At this point in my life, my greatest personal fulfillment is watching my two children succeed and give them the tools to allow them to be successful global citizens. As for my professional persona, I get excited when I hear administrators, teachers and even students ‘pumped’ about using technology effectively (and making a difference) in the classroom, about the amazing relationship-building that is going on due to face to face and virtual connections.

I make every attempt to stick by and listen to those people who know how to share their professional passions, how to network to be able challenge and expand their passions. Every day is a new day, every day allows me to connect people with the proper tools, experiences, learning opportunities and conversations to make a difference in their lives and their student’s lives.

Nelson Mandela is a figure that I can certainly say has shown a lot of Passion in his lifetime. He is one that has never lost focus or vision. His quote rings true…..I am just wondering how I can transfer his thoughts and actions to the colleagues that I work with? How do they snare their Passion and move forward? What plan do I have in assisting them?


Image 1, Image 2

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Posted by on January 11, 2013 in Uncategorized


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