Tag Archives: strength

Futuristic Strength

Photo by Ali Pazani on

In the context of the StrengthsFinder assessment (from Gallup CliftonStrengths assessment), a futuristic strength refers to a natural talent or ability related to looking ahead and considering the future implications of actions and decisions. People with a futuristic strength tend to be forward-thinking and imaginative, and they are often able to see possibilities and potential in situations where others may not. They may be skilled at envisioning and planning for the future, and they may be particularly adept at identifying and pursuing opportunities for growth and development.

In general, people with a futuristic strength tend to be proactive and proactive in their approach to problem-solving, and they may be particularly effective at creating and implementing long-term plans. They may also be skilled at anticipating and preparing for potential challenges and obstacles. This strength can be particularly valuable in a variety of settings, including business, education, and personal development.

People with strong futuristic talents love to peer over the Horizon. They are fascinated by the future. They anticipate and Imagine in detail what tomorrow could or should be. They usually see the future positively. While the details of the picture will depend on other strengths and interests – a better product, a better team, a better life or a better world it will always Inspire them. This Vision energizes themselves and others. They can paint a picture of the future for their team members.

Futuristic in action

  • Inspired by the future and what could be – I look at educational trends, learning strategies, edtech trends which all inform the thinking and work that I do. I share with colleagues and add these ideas to current and future projects.
  • Inspire and Energize others with their visions of the future – I question “What if…?” or “Wouldn’t it be great if …?”, ask for clarification and support colleagues.
  • Can see in detail what the future might hold (predictions) – With timelining of trends, I can plan steps towards those future opportunities.
  • Creative, imaginative and perceptive – I rely on my artistic intuition, imagination, ideas and experiences to actively listen on current projects while looking towards the future.
  • Always look for options, for what could be (anticipate) – I believe in multiple possibilities to achieve goals, pathways of learning and achieving are so varied. It is great to have these collegial conversations or even read various white papers on ongoing and completed projects.
  • Demotivated by contentment with status quo – For me this would be stagnation and I like moving forward even if it needs to be at a slower, more controlled pace.

Futuristic hindrances

  • Focused on tomorrow – About 2 years ago I started a Gratitude Journal to help me focus on the beauty, wonder and opportunities of the day. It only takes 1-2 minutes and I really like reviewing my thoughts and daily photos every once in a while. Or if you do not have a Gratitude journal do this at the end of the day, ask yourself “What makes today a great day for you?” and reflect on the events.
  • Not fully present with people – Thanks to my Cognitive Coaching experiences and my other 4 themes of Arranger, Learner, Includer and Responsibility, I am able to actively be present during conversations. Asking myself how I can encourage others is another important way to keep present with team members.

Do you have futuristic tendencies or work with someone who is futuristic?



My 5 Strengths

Photo by Noelle Otto on

StrengthsFinder is a self-assessment tool developed by Gallup, Inc. that helps individuals discover and understand their unique strengths. It is based on the premise that individuals perform their best when they use their natural talents, or strengths, in their daily lives and work.

By completing the StrengthsFinder assessment and learning about your top five strengths, you can gain a better understanding of your natural talents and how to use them to your advantage. You can use your strengths to identify the tasks and activities that are most likely to bring you satisfaction and success, and you can also use your strengths to help you navigate challenges and setbacks.

Additionally, understanding your strengths can help you to communicate more effectively with others and to build stronger relationships with your colleagues, friends, and family. It can also help you to identify areas for personal growth and development, and to set goals that are aligned with your strengths.

Overall, StrengthsFinder can be a valuable tool for helping you to better understand yourself, identify your unique talents and strengths, and use them to achieve your goals and live a more fulfilling life.

I recently took the Gallup CliftonStrengths assessment. The 150+ questions go by quickly as you respond with your initial thoughts (and you only have 20 seconds per question anyways). It was a fun, interesting and insightful exercise that took about 45 minutes to complete. From this action, I received a couple of reports – Signature Theme Report and Strengths Insight Guide. I am also grateful for the weekly Strengthsfinder meetings at my workplace that showcase one strength and the colleagues who are in tune with it.

By focusing on my top five signature themes separately and in combination, I am able to identify my talents, build them into strengths, and enjoy personal and career successes.

My top 5 dominant themes are (in order):

  • Futuristic
  • Arranger
  • Learner
  • Includer
  • Responsibility

Over this year, I shall share more in regards to not only my strengths but those of the other themes.

Have you taken this survey or similar ones? What have you learned about yourself?

