An Apple a Day….

19 May

Part of the vision of Inspiring Education is for the education system to support each student to become an engaged thinker “who uses technology to learn, innovate, communicate and discover.” It should play a broader role in the classroom….and ultimately its power should be harnessed in support of learners’ innovation and discovery. Understanding the educational nuances of the iPad is part of this process.

We are very pleased to have Apple Distinguished Educators guiding us through interactive, hands-on and informative sessions on the way that they’re using iPad to transform learning for our students.
With over 130 participants from 14 different school sites, PSD participants were treated to a day of memorable learning, creating and connecting. Thank you to all who assisted in the planning, setting up, attending and clean up – you made the day of learning a successful one!
We all shook our “trees” and down came a variety of “apples” that allowed teachers to delve deeper into developing their skill level, application knowledge and content creation. See the flow of thoughts through the Storify Overview.

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