Yes, go ahead and LOOK UP!

12 Sep


cc licensed (BY SA) 500px photo by Andrea Goh

I have a moment right now and am taking a few minutes to clean and organize my inbox email messages. I’m finding a variety of tweets, links, resources, ideas, questions, discussions AND gems that just….

  • inspire
  • compel
  • evoke emotions
  • are powerful

One such resource is ‘Look Up’ (written, performed and directed by Gary Turk) which is a video shared via a love story, where connection is key but not always attempted.

Take time to view this video. Where do you see yourself in this scenario? What about your students? How can we promote daily interactions that are meaningful, relevant and authentic using a variety of resources, including technology but also promote the human spirit?

If you do work with students, show them this video, ask them beforehand where they rate their screen time (with phones, tablets, computers, digital gaming, TV). Do they see themselves more so as tech-centric or people-centric? Then watch the video and hear out their opinions about what the video speaks to and what they think. Do they have an action plan? Has the video changed any of their pre-reflections?


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